Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dopplegangers and Shadow People

First of all, I could not make this up.

This story starts with two of my friends driving back from a Texas A&M basketball game late at night. They were listening to a local radio show in the middle of podunk-ville which was discussing, at length and in all seriousness, the complexity of Shadow People and Doppelgangers. For those of you who are not in tune with the world of creepy, “oh my Goth” night people, don’t worry – I had no clue what the hell that meant either. So to clear it up a little for you here are some definitions:

Shadow People = evil spirits who try to destroy your fleshly being
Doppleganger = your mirror image but they are inherently evil

Riiiiiight. Anyway, Blake and Tim’s vast learnings on the subject were immediately passed onto Nate’ and I at work the next day, in a conversation entirely too rambunctious for its setting and which involved uncontrollable, hyena-esque laughter. Apparently, one very concerned patron of the radio show gave an emotional recounting of a tragic and fearful event in which she narrowly escaped with her life after her shadow person tried to eat her organs in an attempt to take over her life. What is hysterical to me is that all four of us instantly latched onto this AWESOME new vocabulary and have now started tossing around the terms “doppelganger” and “shadow people” like they are a part of anyone’s normal, everyday conversations. The terms are especially useful when describing particularly torturous situations, mostly involving the Operation 303 crew and my creepy-ass neighbor. An example would sound something like this: (Tim to Blake two hours into an excruciating Chamber of Commerce magic show) “I kinda wish the shadow people would kill me so my doppelganger were the one who had to watch this shit instead of me.”

Incase you would like more insight into the Doppleganger, this website provides an astounding amount of information and stimulating debate as to what, actually, a Doppleganger is and is not. http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/viewarticle.php?id=201
And I quote: “Upon the Earth these creatures cannot hold their former figure so they take a shape that can live in this one. … angels and demons alike have had a fascination with man. When on Earth their first form may seem like that of a spirit ghost. … Even if the Doppelganger is but a myth the story told by them is really one of mankind. We often change and have a sense of duality. Like the doppelganger we but wonder through life searching for that form, that thing we call self, so that we may serve that purpose, so we may end the quest.” -- Alcien Semhazai

What the fuck is this guy talking about?! My favorite part in that quote is when he misspells “wander” in the last sentence, making him look like an even bigger douchebag as he tries to speak intelligently about shadowy evil ghost people who are replicas of our human forms. This stuff is fucking classic if you ask me.

Here’s another fun opinion from “Ophiel” (on the same website mentioned above):
The doppelganger are replacements that come from various underground facilities. (So apparently now we can pluralize the word in the same way we use ‘moose’ for both a moose and several moose – I learn something new every day, I tell you) It is unfair to label them souless. (Unfair, I tell you. UN-fair!... and I think you meant to put another “L” in soulless) Though clones, like us, information is incoded into their genes. (okay, its “encoded” but I’m with you). Most cases of a sighted doppleganger are reported after mass catatrophies (imagine that word with the missing “s” where is should be and try to follow along) where they can be intergrated (or “integrated”, but whatever) into the stream of the holographic universe. (What the fuck is the holographic universe? He lost me…) The person witnessing his doppleganger is usually in a state of distraught, (can you be in a ‘state of distraught?' or did you mean “state of distress?” Dipshit) very depressed, or on the verge of a life changing experiance (“experience”). The feeling of opposition one gets from them, meaning if your good the\'re (I mean good lord, do you KNOW what spell check is?) evil and vice versa, Is simply the manifestation of the latter problems that brought the doppleganger about. Nothing about it is opposite seeing as though duality is strictly a disease of the mind. Okay these last two sentences I don’t even know where to start. First of all, “latter problems”? I didn’t hear of the former, how can we already be discussing latter? And secondly, WTF.

I swear, I don’t even have to write anything myself in this entry and this shit just keeps getting funnier and funnier. My favorite thing about that website is that these people are trying to speak so profoundly/competently about this topic, as though they were discussing the origins global warming or the effects of capitalism on emerging nations. Let me remind you: we're talking about evil shadowy replicas of existing humans.

Anyway, creepy neighbor and his Op:303 clan overheard the four of us talking one day, and have become determined to join our conversation at the slightest hint of the word doppelganger. It really is the perfect cap on our lengthy debate regarding his complete uber-weirdness that he and his Op:303 crew have been so excited and willingly participatory in our discussions involving shadow people and doppelgangers. Apparently, the two wreak havoc on the world of WOW. Somehow I feel like I shouldn’t be surprised by that.

Maybe I can find my Doppleganger and figure out how to make her be the one that has to listen to the 303 clan discuss, at length, the party their guild threw on WOW last night. I’m sure I can work out a deal with the Shadow People to let me meet my Doppleganger without them having to kill me. Having an identical evil twin at my disposal could come in extremely handy, and would definitely knock up the story value of any situation.

Anyway, here are some more fun websites to check out on the subject. Check out the last one, there’s actually an org for Shadow People. Hysterical.


1 comment:

Katy said...

I need a doppleganger to deal with him too. Give me a doppleganger!