Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Satan has a new ice pick

I have a blog. That sentance in and of itself is enough for me to know that modern advertising is horrifyingly successful. Is my fortress of nonchalance and strategic exile from all that is Emo all for naught? Have I betrayed my efforts to remain so cooly uninterested in everything hip for this?

See, it's in this sort of instance that one would hope for a moment of blinding clarity so as to brilliantly articulate through writing what the answer to that not-so-rhetorical question could possibly be... so of course I have to admit that the only thing coming to mind for me is a befuddled, "uh-uh." I imagine you'll learn that about me as the time and pointless writings continue - blinding clarity and I aren't the best of acquaintences.

I should have known a blog was next in line for me - just like so many others my age who were uncharicteristically drawn to the lure of the nameless internet. I never thought I would be so transparent to the marketing powers that be as to join in the trendy rush. We should have known, gang - hell froze over with the iPOD, we've just gotten used to the temperature.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Mwa-ha-ha... Welcome to the Dark Side. Next you'll be selling your worn underwear on EBAY! Love your entry title. Mental picture: a cussing, shivering Satan, nearly immobile in a fur-lined parka and savagely clearing ice from the windshield of his 1980 Toyota Corolla with an ice scraper, a la William H. Macy in "Fargo." "'the heck d'ya mean?"

And yes, one most assuredly can have a wonky back, considering it's the superstructure from which all limbs hang. DUH, Doug.